Thursday, March 30, 2006

6 Weeks and Counting

I can’t believe I’m going so long between posts! It really doesn’t seem like 3 weeks have passed.

The countdown has officially begun. My graduation is exactly 6 weeks away!!!!!

One of those weeks is Easter break and I’m off for a week before I graduate. So, that’s really the sad news. I have only twenty school days left with the twenty little beings that I have called “my kids” for the past few months. I choke up just thinking about it. I am going to just be a puddle of tears in May.

Cap and gowns came in last week and I was almost crying when I went to pay for mine. What is wrong with me?

I guess I can say that going back to school has been the most grueling thing I’ve ever done (remember, I am finishing 6 months earlier than originally planned). But I do believe that teaching is going to be one of the most rewarding jobs I’ve ever had.

OK, enough sobbing and sappiness for one day!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Where Have You Been?

I talked to my mom today and she commented that I hadn’t posted here in a few weeks. So, I apologize for the lack of postings.

During the last month, if I am on the computer at all, I am only looking for lesson plan ideas or submitting work to my dreadful Senior Seminar professor. Besides, I have nothing exciting to write about. Every day I am in my pajamas by seven and usually sound asleep by ten!

I’ve only lost a total of two pounds on WW. It is tough to lose when we’ve had 2 faculty breakfasts, 2 teacher birthdays, 4 student birthdays, a Valentine’s Day party, a class play party, Dr. Seuss’s birthday party, and a spring concert party all in one month!

I can’t wait for warmer weather so I can start biking and walking outside. The garage treadmill is getting SO boring! My latest iTunes downloads are “Dirty Little Secret” by AAR and “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter. Hmmm…wonder if there are hidden meanings in the songs people chose to download!